In Order, we can set the ability for customers to select Delivery or Collection Intervals. Navigate to these settings from Vendor Settings

Delivery / Collection Intervals
If you wish to use delivery intervals for delivery orders, click the Use Delivery Interval toggle.

The delivery interval calendar is navigated to today, and you can click Next Date to move to future dates and set availability.
Delivery intervals will appear during your opening times. Here we have set there are 0 deliveries available in each time slot, until 11:30-12:00 and 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00 where we have set 10 deliveries available.
The system will not allow more than 10 people to select these delivery slots, once 10 has been reached they will become unavailable to the customer.
When a customer navigates to your menu, they will receive this popup, it will automatically show the next available time slots. Once they select Book on the time slot available, they can continue with their order.

The process is exactly the same for Collection Intervals.
The booked delivery or collection time slot is shown on the order on the order list, and you can filter the order list page by date.