Ordery has a “Live Orders View’, where kitchen staff / chefs / waiters and waitresses can tick off dishes as they are prepared or served. It’s a very useful feature which big brands such as Mcdonalds and Wetherspoons use.
As soon as an Order is placed, all items appear here in the Live Orders View.
Here we can see the dishes/items and the extras. We can see the order time, and how long the order has been waiting. The order will change color based on your settings in vendor settings.
You can sort orders by Time Descending or Time Ascending, (oldest or newest first).
As you tick off the dishes as served, they will turn Green, once all orders have been ticked off, the order will disappear from the Live Orders queue. You can also click “Set Order Served” to tick them all off.
Filter by Category
A very useful feature is you can filter by category in Live Orders View.
This is useful, if for example, the bar only wants to see drinks, and the kitchen only wants to see food. Or perhaps Pizzas, go to the pizza oven Live Orders View (filtered by pizzas), and the rest goes to another area.